I don’t know where this started, maybe faulty old boilers?!
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By: Mehdi Sadaghdar

Hi, you might be thinking that electric heaters dry the air more than other types of heaters, and you would be wrong. How did that mindset even come to be? Who started this nonsense? Because it is nonsense unless it is not for a good reason that i couldn't comprehend just to be clear, an electric heater is just a resistive piece of wire that heats up when electricity passes through action. You can help me comprehend in the comments, if you think i'm wrong and you're, not afraid of me, making a video ridiculing your wrong reasons. Go ahead, leave a comment, i'm just okay, of course, i don't really think there is a good reason, but who knows? I may learn something so let me know, and we can all learn a ton of math science and computing from my sponsor brilliance through their highly interactive courses, follow my link, brilliant.org electroboom and start learning.

Now back to electric heaters, removing humidity some of you may say. We didn't think like that to start with. Well, i have seen at least four people telling me that two contractors told me that i'm better off not having electric baseboard heaters because they dry air more and then two random friends. First time i heard it i was like i am hit by new information right away.

I asked myself, but where would the humidity go after which i confronted the person who provided the information anyway? If you think an electric heater dries air, more then ask yourselves: where would the air moisture content go? Does electricity make it disappear? No, would it somehow suck the moisture out of the air, how you might say? Well, maybe water vapor condenses more on an electric heater compared to other heaters and that's how more moisture is removed from the air in which universe, water vapor condenses on a hot surface um. I don't always get angry. Oh no wait. I do.

I have also heard this argument that maybe electrolysis breaks the water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. Really, if you recall for electrolysis, we need a continuous body of water and two electrodes with high enough voltage difference to break the water molecule. Well, maybe not a voltage that high not a continuous heater wire with a molecule or drop of water on it wow, even if that was true. Wouldn't that fill your room with explosive h2 and o2 gases, you would turn on your light and dang it.

I knew i shouldn't have used an electric heater. No none of these happen, so it's just a false misconception created by the big mama corporation. Yes, i bet it's one of those. Lies parents tell their kids to stop them from doing something like maybe electricity was expensive and they preferred burning wood.

I remember when i was a kid i would remove crust of breads and someone told me if i wasted them. They would turn into snakes and hunt me in my dreams, so i kept eating the crusts, but those snakes never stopped hunting. My dreams. Let me know in the comments what lies you were told as kids to make you change your behavior.
I have a list of my own. I don't know why some people assume kids can't handle the truth and lying to them is the best way to go. Ok, now that we established the fact that electric heaters don't directly make the air moisture disappear, let me tell you why a warmer closed space is drier in a closed room with a certain air moisture content. If you warm up the air, the moisture content doesn't change, but the air's capacity to hold moisture increases because it's warmer, so it tries harder to vaporize any humidity.

It can find. So, with the same moisture content, a warmer air will suck the moisture out of your skin and you will feel drier. That's why there's something called relative humidity that depends on the air pressure and temperature and moisture content and stuff. A hundred percent relative humidity doesn't mean that you are swimming in water.

It means that the air is holding the maximum amount of moisture it can at a given temperature and pressure and such any moisture above that just condenses it is related to temperature, so air. At ten percent, fifty percent or hundred percent relative humidity holds less amount of moisture, measured at grams per cubic meters than the same levels of humidity at a higher temperature. But the fun part is say: 50 relative humidity feels the same on human skin at any temperature. Well, the temperature feels different, but forty to sixty percent relative humidity is always the more comfortable zone.

No matter the temperature sounds confusing, but that's not all the airflow helps remove more moisture from your skin, and that makes you feel like the air is drier, and none of those has anything to do with the type of the heater so you're sitting in a closed Room with a fixed, moisture content, you warm up the air with whatever heater with the same moisture content, the relative humidity drops, and so the air feels drier. If you use wood fireplace, the room, air is forced out of the chimney and fresh air replaces it and, depending on the moisture content of the fresh air, the room can feel drier or more humid. When you have a type of fireplace where it sucks the room's oxygen, you must have a vent to let the fresh air in that's. Why old wood fireplaces are a bunch of inefficient air polluting oxygen, depriving fire hazard garbages that people mostly use because they provide a cozy ambiance, so a water, heater, radiator or an electric heater in a closed room won't make a difference.

But if you have one of those heaters that blows air on you, it will make you significantly drier because of the flowing air, not because the heater is electric. That might be why some people think electric heaters dry, you more because they can be of the portable type that you can put close to yourself and get locally much warmer and they can blow air both contributing to a much drier bubble around you. But you would achieve the same results if you could use a warm water heater. The same way.
Electricity has nothing extra to do with the moisture removal you get. It stop dragging electricity's name through the mud. It's okay darling. They apologize.

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14 thoughts on “Do electric heaters dry air?!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zoforus says:

    Did he not prove it, that fire based heating systems are not closed, and because of that, they can keep the same relative humidity? That means as the room temperature rises, its relative humidity (rh) drops. Since the rh of the room is lower than the rh of the air incoming from the outside, room air takes water from the incoming outside air. This way room rh balances with the outside rh. Just a thought.
    You could also say that the incoming and outgoing airflows are the same in order to keep the same pressure. Then I think the temperature difference (td) of incoming and outgoing air starts to matter. Since it would not be wrong to assume that the outgoing air and room air td is greater than room air and incoming air td (because the house is heating up not cooling down), would it not mean that water is leaving the room and not only rh is dropping but humidity itself is too?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Racer says:

    That current in a circuit goes from – => +which is completely true
    Now what made me mad was the fact that they also said that in the battery the opposite happens
    Then the battery is supposed to be like a particle accelerator????🤔🤣😭

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Konstantin Voloshin says:

    Are you absolutely sure that no electrolysis can possibly be taking place when water particles touch the heated wire? Posdibly, involving dust particles as well. The "everything would blow up" argument doesn't seem persuasive enough because quantitives involved will probably be pretty small 🤗

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul K says:

    There is no chemistry involved in electric heaters. What they do is to raise the temperature of the air, and air can carry a higher partial pressure of water when it is warmer; therefore, it feels dryer. It is the opposite thing when air passes over a mountain range, it is forced up, causing cooling and the water condenses as clouds.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus says:

    We have a myth here in Brazil that if you drink milk and eat mango you're going to die. This was invented at the slavery time to stop slaves eating mango and drinking milk from their owners. And to this day you hear people repeating it around here.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ironfoot 19 says:

    Well you could say that fire will make the air less dry because it produces water from the chemical reaction. You could say that a water heater leaks some water => less dry.
    But thats the only things i can think about.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars luis cruz says:

    Warm air holds more water so it starts to remove moisture from others things, so people with sensitive eyes absolutely feel the "dry" air because their eyes actually get dryer. That's why air moisture is measured as a relative unit, warm air with the same water content will have a lower relative humidity.
    edit: never mind, just saw the whole video

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jochen Stacker says:

    Where does the moisture in the air go?
    Out the window of course!
    Tradesmen plastered a wall in a storage room downstairs and placed an electric heater in there to dry it.
    The window was left open and the room dried out.
    Of course if you leave all doors and windows closed, the moisture will have nowhere to go.
    You would see this every time you open a window when it's very cold outside, the escaping moisture will condense on the window on the way out.
    Having said that, it's heat in general, not just electric heaters

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aisaaax says:

    Yeah, this is also why the air in your house feels dryer in winter (in cold areas). It's not because your heaters dry your air. No. It's because outside, the air is cold, and all the moisture is condensed. The same air goes into your room, where it is heated up, and the relative humidity drops significantly, making your house air feel extremely dry, while in fact the entire world around you is "dry", but you don't feel it in the cold. The only thing you can (and should) do about it is to re-humidify it by using a special humidifier or just putting bowls of water around the house with a towel half-submerged in them, so there are more sources for the water to get absorbed into your air.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cezsoft says:

    I think this comes from an early time of using electricity for heating.
    Back then usually wood was used to heat up a room.
    And not the electricity reduced the humidity but the burning wood first tried up completely (from 20% humidity to 0% after burning) and this humidity ADDED (partially, the rest went off in the chimney) to the humidity of the room.

    Which of course electrical heater (0% humidity in the wire before and after) never did.

    So you are perfect right on the electrical part, but unfortunately looked on the wrong side of this comparsion.

    Thanks for all your nice, funny and educating videos. 👏👍❤

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arctic Gator says:

    We have a special "outdoor rated" quartz heater in the bathroom and i think people think it dries the air is because it keeps the bathroom from fogging up or condensing on the walls, really its just about condensation and temperature.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Dallas says:

    In theory, water is a combustion product for (say) a wood fireplace.

    Does this meaningfully affect relative humidity though? Probably not, especially if you have a newfangled piece of technology called a "chimney" which has the amazing ability to funnel combustion products away.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ABaumstumpf says:

    I am preeetty sure that for most of us 10% relative humidity would feel better than 60% relative humidity once it is getting really hot or really cold.
    A foggy 0°C day feels colder than a dry -5°C where: Humidity can transfer a lot of heat. And on a hot day high humidity reduces the rate your sweat evaporates so that it is cooling you way less.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashish Sharma says:

    Lies i was told as a kid
    "There is no such thing as free energy, it's not possible to have free energy as it would break every law in science"
    After a couple of Youtubers opened my eyes to the truth and confirmed my life long suspicion, FREE ENERGY EXISTS.
    Power companies and Government is trying to control us with charged energy consumption.
    Also, Santa Claus is real.
    Wake up people and build ur free energy device today.

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